Volunteer Opportunities
“Volunteering is the ultimate exercise in democracy. You vote in elections once a year, but when you volunteer, you vote every day about the kind of community you want to live in.”
— Unknown
Volunteers are central to the mission of AHA. Our need for volunteers is increasing with our number of members needing services. There are a variety of opportunities for volunteers to assist our members. The first step in applying to be a volunteer is to complete the AHA Volunteer Interest Form. Thank you!
Click here to complete the AHA Volunteer Interest Form. Our Volunteer Coordinator will get in touch with you after your form is received. The Volunteer Handbook can be downloaded here.
No special expertise or experience is necessary to be an AHA volunteer. You only need a sincere interest in helping an older neighbor in our community; we’ll support you with the rest. New AHA volunteers often are surprised to learn how flexible we are—and how many different ways there are to help. Here are some specific needs:
Driving an AHA Member to an Appointment or on an Errand
Whether it’s a medical appointment, a trip to the grocery store, or a visit to the hair salon, our members often need our help to get them where they need to be.
Technical Support at Home
We all rely on smart phones, tablets, computers, printers, T.V.s, and more to keep informed and manage our lives. Our older neighbors are no different. But technology can be a source of frustration–so our volunteers with knowledge and skill in trouble-shooting electronics and technology are in high demand!
A Listening Ear
Sometimes a member just needs a little one-on-one guidance or support when managing a challenging phase of life. Maybe there is no family living close by and it helps them to sort things out by talking through a situation with another person.
Organizing Help
When you’ve lived a full and interesting life, you can potentially find yourself with…well, lots of “stuff.” Paper, books, miscellany, you name it. Sorting through it with an “impartial” party can be a great help. Our AHA volunteers can help a member clear out a closet, sort through boxes, and find a purposeful new home for those things that are no longer needed.
Handyman Services
Our goal is to keep our members feeling safe and confident in their home. Maybe their handrail needs tightening or maybe a member needs a box taken down from the attic. It may no longer be wise for a person to climb a ladder to reach something on a high shelf or carry a heavy box down the stairs.
Work in the AHA Office
There is often a need for some coordination or data entry in our sunny, Del Ray office. We’d welcome your help!
Committee Work
It takes energy from lots of different people to keep a nonprofit organization vibrant and healthy. We invite you to be part of the “AHA brain trust” by joining one of our many committees in these areas: Development, Membership, Volunteer, Program, and Governance.
Click here to complete the AHA Volunteer Interest Form.
Our Volunteer Coordinator will get in touch with you after your form is received.
The Volunteer Handbook can be downloaded here.