StrongerMemory™ Info Session – February 23
In the last few newsletters, we have mentioned the StrongerMemory™ program that AHA will begin offering in March. On Wednesday, Feb. 23 from 2 to 3 p.m., AHA will offer a StrongerMemory™ information session. Any AHA member interested in the program is encouraged to register and attend this virtual session so you can make an informed decision about participating in the 12-week program, which consists of self-directed participation in exercises that have been shown to improve memory.
Goodwin House is offering this program to villages, with the only expense being the cost of reproducing the workbooks (which AHA will cover). Goodwin House has invested energy and resources into the program—and villages are reporting favorable results. After careful review, we felt that our AHA members would appreciate this
opportunity. I am grateful to our wonderful volunteer Roberta McGregor, who will facilitate this group initiative. Roberta has been working with the StrongerMemory™ program director at Goodwin House and participating in the monthly village facilitator meetings to prepare for these sessions.
There will be a limit of 20 spots in the program and we do anticipate that it will fill to capacity. For a couple in a household, both parties can share one spot in the program. Call the AHA office with questions or to sign up—or sign up through AHA Hub.
– Cele Garrett