Richard “Dick” Moose, founder of AHA
Richard “Dick” Moose, the founder of At Home In Alexandria, died at his Alexandria home on Friday, Sept. 25, at the age of 83. There was a memorial to celebrate his life on Saturday, Oct. 17 (11 a.m.) at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, 228 South Pitt St, Alexandria.
When you talked with Dick Moose about gardening, he might offer you plants from his garden—and dig them up for you if needed. When you talked about Vietnam, he could recall his dismay during a visit there as a senatorial staff member as he realized that the strategies the U.S. was pursuing were sure to fail. When you mentioned AHA, his eyes would brighten and he would talk about when he and other founders began planning the organization that became At Home in Alexandria, and then helped immeasurably to support it these past several years.
That was the sort of man Dick Moose was—generous, informed, involved. Moose died Sept. 25 after a long struggle with heart problems. He was 83. Survivors include his widow, Margaret (Maggie), a daughter and son and four grandchildren.