News & Happenings

Bill Clayton to receive Annie B. Rose Award

The Alexandria Commission on Aging’s Annie B. Rose Lifetime Achievement Award will be given this year to Bill Clayton for his immense contributions to both AHA and the greater Alexandria community. The award ceremony is on May 9 at 5:30pm at City Hall and the public is welcome. [read full article]

“A Prescription to Managing Your Health” Seminars Continue

AHA and Goodwin House at Home have partnered again this year for a series of interactive lectures on being a more well-informed consumer of health care. The programs will be held at Goodwin House Baileys Crossroads at 3440 S. [read full article]

Spring2ACTion and Support AHA!

AHA will participate again this year in Spring2ACTion, a growing community event and fundraiser for Alexandria non-profit organizations. You’re invited to stop by Del Ray Cafe on Spring2ACTion Day, April 5th, to visit with AHA staff and volunteers, [read full article]

The Village Movement Celebrates 15 years

We were very happy to work with Mt. Vernon at Home in coordinating a special event with AHA on February 13 in celebration of the 15th Anniversary of the Village Movement. While the guest speaker, [read full article]

AHA Celebrates 5th Anniversary

Many thanks to all of our friends who celebrated with us at our 5th-anniversary event on May 17. Alexandria’s town crier opened the festivities with his great energy and Mayor Silberberg offered her warm words of support. [read full article]