
Make a difference in the lives of your Alexandria neighbors

Your Gift to AHA is Most Welcome

In the thirteen years since At Home in Alexandria (AHA) opened its doors, membership has grown steadily. As is typical with organizations like ours, membership dues cover approximately 37% of our operating expenses. For this reason, we must continually seek out additional funding to increase and improve the services we provide. We are grateful to our donors for helping us to ensure the sustainability of our organization so we can be there for our members when they need us.

We invite you to support our mission by making an online donation using your credit card via our secure contribution button/PayPal:

As you make your gift to AHA, please consider:

  • We welcome your gift in honor of or in memory of someone. It’s a lovely way to honor a special person in your life and support a cause that’s important to you or to them. If you’d like, we’ll notify that person or a family member about your gift. Please send an email with the pertinent notification details to coincident with making your contribution to alert our office of your interest in such a notification.
  • AHA can accept an IRA required minimum distribution (RMD) as a contribution.
  • AHA can accept both publicly traded securities and closely held securities, bequests, beneficiary designation in estate related documents, real estate, or other tangible personal property. Please note that any non-cash gift must be approved by AHA’s gift acceptance committee, which is prepared to make that determination promptly.
  • At Home in Alexandria is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, so all gifts are tax-deductible. Our gift acknowledgement letter will provide you with a receipt for your donation and our tax ID information for your records.

Contributions by check are also welcome and can be made to “At Home in Alexandria” and mailed to our office:

3139 Mt Vernon Avenue, Alexandria, VA 22305. Phone: 703.231.0824.
