AHA Remains Strong During Challenging Times
This past year has been challenging, but AHA remains strong! Spring2ACTion started off very slow for us, but we ended with success. Early giving begins two weeks prior to Spring2ACTion day, and on the morning of “big day” we had only achieved 25% of our goal. Cele and I stationed ourselves at the Del Ray Cafe all day and AHA members and friends stopped by to cheer us on, grab a bite to eat and or make a donation. The day was full of excitement and happy times. It was great to be able to get together again. By the end of the day, we had achieved 85% of our goal. We are grateful to the Del Ray Cafe for allowing us to make their kitchen room our “nerve center” for the day and for donating 10% of their proceeds to AHA. Many thanks to all who supported us through either donations or just cheering us on. Our hearts are full with gratitude.