AHA History
At Home in Alexandria (AHA) was formed in late 2008 by Alexandrians who saw the need to give Alexandria residents 55 and older an option to remain in their homes as they age. AHA is based on the “village” concept — a local not-for-profit group that supports the functional, emotional, social and non-medical health care needs of older adults so they may live independently in the community in which they have established roots. AHA was incorporated in January 2009 as a fee-based 501 (c) (3) organization governed by a volunteer board of directors and recognized as a Virginia charitable fundraising organization.
In 2009, AHA Board members conducted interviews with leaders of public and private organizations and individual living in Alexandria to determine which services were already available and which services were needed. These stakeholders were unanimous in expressing a need for AHA in the City of Alexandria.
The services considered the most important that AHA could provide were:
- Transportation
- Centralized information, referral and warm hand-offs to needed vetted services
- Household safety, maintenance, repairs and improvements
- In-home personal services by trained volunteers or other vetted provider
- Help with paperwork and routine personal financial organization
- Leisure, cultural and social activities
AHA “officially” opened its doors in April, 2011 in its current location, 3139 Mount Vernon Avenue, Alexandria, VA 22305. Certified volunteers have been providing services to AHA members ever since.