A Wonderful 6th Anniversary Celebration
A capacity crowd of members, supporters and new friends came out on Thursday, May 25th to celebrate the 6th Anniversary of AHA at the Cameron Club in Cameron Station. The event’s theme, “Imagine That!” focused on the importance of art and creativity throughout life, and put the spotlight on 15 of AHA’s artists and authors as they shared their work with our attendees. Our guest speaker, Carol Siegel, an artist and art educator for Arts for the Aging, told her story of creative re-invention at age 55, her education as an Expressive Artist, and the immense joy and satisfaction she gets from creating art with the participants in the adult day care program at the Lee Center. Her talk with AHA Vice-Chair Jane King, and Q&A after, was both inspirational and enlightening.
Barbara Rosenfeld, Chair of the AHA Board of Directors, highlighted the work of AHA volunteers and invited new friends in the crowd to join AHA. Cele Garrett, AHA Executive Director, took a few moments to recognize important volunteers and supporters, including Board Member Bill Clayton, recipient of the Annie B. Rose Award from the Alexandria Commission on Aging, and offering a fond farewell to longtime volunteers Ken and Winnie Hill as they make a move to Frederick. Among the important supporters of AHA present were Alexandria Mayor Allison Silberberg, Gina Cocomello of NV Rides, and Mary Lee Anderson of Senior Services of Alexandria.
Photos of the event are posted on our Photo Gallery page and video clips from the event will be linked here soon!